Home > mods > other > blitzcrank’s poro roundup – infinite coins/unlock all mod apk you are on a mission to save your poro friends from baron nashor’s stomach. the game in itself seems confusing but is made for everyone who loves an adventure.. Blitzcrank’s poro roundup apk is a completely free mini-game developed for ios, android, and the web. it uses side-scrolling mechanics to reinforce the main theme, namely, caring for creatures who don’t understand you have their best interests at heart (or heart-analog, in blitzcrank’s case).. From riot games, creator of league of legends (and teemo… sigh), comes blitzcrank’s poro roundup, a free side-scrolling mini-game, out now for a limited time! blitzcrank must save his fluffy poro friends from baron nashor’s belly.. Top eleven para hilesi ve cheat engine indir | megados...